Bernie Sanders has criticized Israel's atrocities in its 2014 war in Gaza.
Bernie Sanders on Israel.
Sanders promises to pursue a level playing field on Israel-Palestine.
Sanders has acknowledged the suffering that Palestinians endure under the illegal Israeli occupation.
Sanders has dared to mention that Israel has engaged in crimes.
Sanders says: "We cannot ignore the reality that you have large numbers of Palestinians who are suffering now, poverty rate off the charts, unemployment off the charts, Gaza remaining a destroyed area...
"Israel cannot just simply expand when it wants to expand with new settlements."
"Israel cannot just simply expand when it wants to expand with new settlements."

Sanders says peace will require the end of the Israeli occupation and 'pulling back settlements in the West Bank.'
Sanders says peace will require ending the blockade of the coastal strip and ensuring Palestinian self-determination and control of their natural resources, especially water.
Bernie Sanders' Candor on Israel ....
Trump took a strong pro-Israel stance, attacking the Palestinians and Iran.
Trump Wins Over AIPAC Audience With Strong pro-Israel Stance - Haaretz
Trump promised to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, 'the eternal capital of the Jewish people.'
Trump said the Palestinians must accept the closeness of the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Trump said 'The Palestinians must come to the table willing to accept that Israel is a Jewish state and it will exist forever as a Jewish state.'
Trump Wins Over AIPAC Audience With Strong pro-Israel Stance - Haaretz
Trump promised to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, 'the eternal capital of the Jewish people.'
Trump said the Palestinians must accept the closeness of the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Trump said 'The Palestinians must come to the table willing to accept that Israel is a Jewish state and it will exist forever as a Jewish state.'

In his speech to AIPAC, Trump placed the blame for the stalled peace talks on the Palestinians.
Trump also accused the Palestinians of incitement to terrorism.
Trump said that as president the U.S. he would veto any UN Security Council resolution forcing a deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
Trump said: "My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran."

Jeff Sessions has been accused of being friends with the KKK and some have suspected him of being gay. Jeff Sessions's chequered past
Trump said that as president the U.S. he would veto any UN Security Council resolution forcing a deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
Trump said: "My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran."

Jeff Sessions has been accused of being friends with the KKK and some have suspected him of being gay. Jeff Sessions's chequered past
Trump's foreign policy team is led by Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions.
In 2005, Sessions spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C. in favour of the War in Iraq.
Sessions voted YES on enlarging NATO to include Eastern Europe.
Trump's foreign policy team includes retired General J. Keith Kellogg, Walid Phares, George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and Joseph E. Schmitz.
Walid Phares has ties to the brutal Lebanese Militia.
Papadopoulos previously worked at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington that is often critical of Russia and its leadership.
Papadopoulos previously worked at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington that is often critical of Russia and its leadership.
Page was a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Donald Trump Says He'd 'Take Out' Terrorists' Families
Trump: I would 'bomb the hell' out of Iraqi oil fields

First elected in 1996, Sessions is a member of the Republican Party.
According to multiple sources in Montgomery and elsewhere, King was caught by his wife in a gay affair with a male aide.
Lawrence 'Larry' King was the leader of the Black Republican Council and in the 1980's, was one of the fastest rising stars in the Republican party.
Lawrence 'Larry' King was the leader of the Black Republican Council and in the 1980's, was one of the fastest rising stars in the Republican party.
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