19 April 2016 New York primaries
126,000 Brooklyn Democrats were removed from the active voter rolls.Many registrations at issue had changed on one day in January.
Frustrated Brooklyn Voters Beg Judges "Nonstop" To Let Them Vote / Discouraged Democrats from Brooklyn showed up to polls on Tuesday's primary to find out they'd been purged from ...
Voters in the presidential primary in the five boroughs were faced with a range of problems that included broken machines to purged voter rolls, the New York Daily reported.
CNN exit polls showed Clinton with 52% of the vote, and Sanders with 48% of the vote.
Official results show Hillary Clinton has 57% of the vote and Sanders 42%
New York primary.A new national CNN poll, shows Sanders trails Clinton by just 2 percentage points.
In the 19 April 2016 New York primaries, some voters said they were turned away from polling stations, and some reported voting machines not allowing them to cast their vote.
In Brooklyn, residents reported that they could not enter the buildings where the vote was to be held.
Officials told some voters that they couldn't access the the keys to the facility.
"You can't vote nor cast any type of ballot. The keys to the building are in a locked box and no one has the key," voter Torsha Childs wrote on Facebook.
At another voting station, @LammyGwanBadSuh tweeted: "I have been here since 550 am.. Still cannot vote. Machines are not up and there are no paper ballots."
@heidiko44 tweeted: "Am mad as hell for my vote not being counted b/c scanner would not accept ballot Brooklyn District 30."

Numerous voters claim they looked up their voter registrations to find that their party affiliation had changed from Democratic to something else.
@heidiko44 tweeted: "Am mad as hell for my vote not being counted b/c scanner would not accept ballot Brooklyn District 30."

Numerous voters claim they looked up their voter registrations to find that their party affiliation had changed from Democratic to something else.
When Jonathan Petersen went to vote, he was shocked to see his deceased mother's name above his.
He said: "All of a sudden, she's on the voter rolls at my address, where she has never lived. Is it possible that someone has been voting using her name for a few years?"
He said: "All of a sudden, she's on the voter rolls at my address, where she has never lived. Is it possible that someone has been voting using her name for a few years?"
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