The UK Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron is in touble, just like John Major was in trouble when he was Conservative Prime minister.
Even the Conservative newspapers have turned against Cameron.
The Cameron government has been linked to sex scandals and sleaze in general.
"There have been the Government's humbling U-turn over planned cuts to disability benefits, the steel crisis, the Tory civil war over whether to remain in the EU and a personal crisis for Cameron over allegations of hypocrisy after having benefited financially from a tax-avoiding offshore fund run by his stockbroker father."

David Cameron (above right) is the new John Major (above left)?
John Major was the UK's Conservative Party Prime Minister during the first Gulf War of 1991, and 'played a key role in persuading George H W Bush to support no-fly zones'.

David Cameron - the destroyer of Libya. Website for this image
During the 1992 general election campaign, the Conservatives and Labour were neck and neck in the opinion polls.
On the night of the election, the exit polls indicated a slim Labour lead.
However, John Major's Conservatives were declared the winners.

David Symington was co-owner of the Ocean Club at the time Madeleine went missing. David Symington's brother, Ian Douglas Symington is an old friend of John Major. John Major has been a regular visitor to Ian Symington in the Douro valley in Portugal (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/) Robert Murat is a distant cousin of the family.
John Major appears to have had bad karma.

John Major fell out with Clinton over Ireland. Clinton wanted the UK to give up Northern Ireland.
Perhaps the Powers-That-Be conspired against John Major.
1. On "Black Wednesday", billions of pounds were wasted by John Major's government in a failed attempt to keep up the value of sterling.
Major became highly unpopular due to Black Wednesday, mine closures, the Maastricht dispute and high unemployment.
2. Major's moves towards greater European integration (Mastricht Treaty) met with strong opposition from the Eurosceptic wing of the Conservative party.

In 2000, Michael Colvin, a Conservative Party Member of Parliament, died at a fire in his Hampshire home. "Michael Colvin was associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud, both Conservatives. During a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in Bryn Estyn, both Laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse... The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in a fire in Palmeira Avenue, Hove, in 1991 had linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care." David cameron is a close friend of Derek Laud.
3. Major's cabinet included Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo.
On the morning of 3 May 1998, the footballer Justin Fashanu was found hanged.
"He gave us the names of two cabinet ministers he claimed he had sex with," said Phil Taylor, a journalist with the People newspaper.
Justin Fashanu, dribbling round ...

John Major was accused of having a mistress. He sued and won. In 2002, it was revealed that John Major had had an affair with his Jewish mistress, Edwina Currie.
4. At the 1993 Conservative Party Conference, Major began the "Back to Basics" campaign - returning to the moral and family values allegedly associated with the Conservative Party.
In 1992, David Mellor, a Conservative cabinet minister, had been exposed as having an extramarital affair.
Between 1993 and 1994 there were a number of revelations.
The wife of the Conservative Party's Earl of Caithness committed suicide amongst rumours of the Earl committing adultery.

In 1994, the Conservative MP Stephen Milligan, who was said to know too much about child abuse rings involving cabinet ministers, was found dead.
The Conservative MP David Ashby was "outed" by his wife after sleeping with men.
A string of other Conservative MPs, including Alan Amos, Tim Yeo (1994), and Michael Brown, were involved in sexual scandals.
Brown reportedly had a homosexual affair with a 20-year-old student.

5. In the inquiry into the Arms to Iraq scandal, set up in 1992, it was revealed that Conservative Party ministers had been illegally selling arms to Iraq, during the Iran-Iraq War.
Arms-to-Iraq - WikiSpooks.
6. In the "Cash for Questions" scandal, it was revealed that Conservative MPs had been accepting cash in return for asking questions in Parliament on behalf of various bodies.
7. John Major's Defence Minister Jonathan Aitken was accused of secretly doing deals with leading Saudi princes.
Aitken eventually went to jail.

8. In 1994, Britain announced it was lifting its arms embargo against Israel.
9. On 1 May 1997, the Conservative Party suffered the worst electoral defeat by a ruling party since the Great Reform Act of 1832.
Tony Blair then became Prime Monster.
10. In 1998, John Major was made a member of the Carlyle Group's European Advisory Board, and in 2001 he was appointed Chairman of Carlyle Europe.

Ewen Donald Cameron
Who: David Cameron's Scottish grandfather. Died in 1958.
Career: Director of stockbrokers Panmure Gordon. Born into wealth. Inherited Blairmore House, a mansion built by his ancestor in the 1880s.
During the 1992 general election campaign, the Conservatives and Labour were neck and neck in the opinion polls.
On the night of the election, the exit polls indicated a slim Labour lead.
However, John Major's Conservatives were declared the winners.

David Symington was co-owner of the Ocean Club at the time Madeleine went missing. David Symington's brother, Ian Douglas Symington is an old friend of John Major. John Major has been a regular visitor to Ian Symington in the Douro valley in Portugal (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/) Robert Murat is a distant cousin of the family.
John Major appears to have had bad karma.

John Major fell out with Clinton over Ireland. Clinton wanted the UK to give up Northern Ireland.
Perhaps the Powers-That-Be conspired against John Major.
1. On "Black Wednesday", billions of pounds were wasted by John Major's government in a failed attempt to keep up the value of sterling.
Major became highly unpopular due to Black Wednesday, mine closures, the Maastricht dispute and high unemployment.
2. Major's moves towards greater European integration (Mastricht Treaty) met with strong opposition from the Eurosceptic wing of the Conservative party.

In 2000, Michael Colvin, a Conservative Party Member of Parliament, died at a fire in his Hampshire home. "Michael Colvin was associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud, both Conservatives. During a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in Bryn Estyn, both Laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse... The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in a fire in Palmeira Avenue, Hove, in 1991 had linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care." David cameron is a close friend of Derek Laud.
3. Major's cabinet included Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo.
On the morning of 3 May 1998, the footballer Justin Fashanu was found hanged.
"He gave us the names of two cabinet ministers he claimed he had sex with," said Phil Taylor, a journalist with the People newspaper.
Justin Fashanu, dribbling round ...

John Major was accused of having a mistress. He sued and won. In 2002, it was revealed that John Major had had an affair with his Jewish mistress, Edwina Currie.
4. At the 1993 Conservative Party Conference, Major began the "Back to Basics" campaign - returning to the moral and family values allegedly associated with the Conservative Party.
In 1992, David Mellor, a Conservative cabinet minister, had been exposed as having an extramarital affair.
Between 1993 and 1994 there were a number of revelations.
The wife of the Conservative Party's Earl of Caithness committed suicide amongst rumours of the Earl committing adultery.

In 1994, the Conservative MP Stephen Milligan, who was said to know too much about child abuse rings involving cabinet ministers, was found dead.
The Conservative MP David Ashby was "outed" by his wife after sleeping with men.
A string of other Conservative MPs, including Alan Amos, Tim Yeo (1994), and Michael Brown, were involved in sexual scandals.
Brown reportedly had a homosexual affair with a 20-year-old student.

5. In the inquiry into the Arms to Iraq scandal, set up in 1992, it was revealed that Conservative Party ministers had been illegally selling arms to Iraq, during the Iran-Iraq War.
Arms-to-Iraq - WikiSpooks.
6. In the "Cash for Questions" scandal, it was revealed that Conservative MPs had been accepting cash in return for asking questions in Parliament on behalf of various bodies.
7. John Major's Defence Minister Jonathan Aitken was accused of secretly doing deals with leading Saudi princes.
Aitken eventually went to jail.

Major and Netanyahu 1996.
8. In 1994, Britain announced it was lifting its arms embargo against Israel.
9. On 1 May 1997, the Conservative Party suffered the worst electoral defeat by a ruling party since the Great Reform Act of 1832.
Tony Blair then became Prime Monster.
10. In 1998, John Major was made a member of the Carlyle Group's European Advisory Board, and in 2001 he was appointed Chairman of Carlyle Europe.

Ewen Donald Cameron
Who: David Cameron's Scottish grandfather. Died in 1958.
Career: Director of stockbrokers Panmure Gordon. Born into wealth. Inherited Blairmore House, a mansion built by his ancestor in the 1880s.

Donald Ewen Cameron.
Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Bridge of Allan, Scotland. Died in 1967

Donald Ewen Cameron was born in Bridge of Allan, Scotland. Died in 1967
He worked for the CIA's Project MKUltra mind control program.
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