Barry Goldwater, who was of Jewish origin, has been compared to Donald Trump.
Barry Goldwater was the Republican Party's nominee for the Presidency in the November 1964 election.
There is a suspicion that the Powers-That-Be wanted Lyndon Johnson to win and thus selected Goldwater to play the part of the loser.

Goldwater (left)
In a May 1964 speech, Goldwater said that nuclear weapons should be used in Vietnam, and in Europe and in Cuba.
Goldwater was supported by the Ku Klux Klan.

Goldwater only won his home state of Arizona and five states in the Deep South.

Goldwater lost the1964 election to incumbent Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson by one of the largest landslides in history.

It turned out that Goldwater was in favour of gay rights and in favour of abortion.
It turned out that Goldwater did not like Christians getting involved in politics.
It turned out that Goldwater did not like Christians getting involved in politics.
Goldwater urged Republicans to lay off Bill Clinton over the Whitewater scandal.
In a 1988 interview on Larry King's radio show, Goldwater was asked if he thought the U.S. Government was withholding UFO evidence; he replied "Yes, I do."

Trump the actor.
Trump's new campaign chief is Paul Manafort.
Manafort's past clients have included:
Angola's Jonas Savimbi,
The Saudi government,
Ukranian oligarchs,
The George Bush family
And the Philippines' Ferdinand Marcos.
Trump's new image-maker honed his 'dark' arts in Ukraine - FT.com

Trump, the actor.
It's all an act.
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