Trump tweeted a doctored photo
We Spoke To The Family In This Trump Tweet And They're Not Happy. This black family didn't endorse Trump.
Trump belongs to the 'typical politician' faction.

Trump supported the invasion of Iraq.
11 Sept. 2002: Howard Stern asked Trump if he supported invading Iraq.
Trump belongs to the JOKER faction.

Zionist faction
Think of - Rockefeller, Bilderberg, Pro-Saudi, Anglo-American, Mafia, Clintons, Dulles, Helms.

Election 2016: Your Jewish guide.
Hillary Clinton Is A "Proud Goldwater Girl".

In his book, "The America We Deserve," published in 2000, Trump supported the ban on assault weapons and criticized Republicans who "walked the NRA line."
As late as September 2015, Donald Trump supported universal healthcare in an interview on CBS News.
In 1999, Trump identified himself, on the subject of abortion, as being "very pro-choice."
In 1999, Trump offered proposals to dramatically raise taxes on the rich.

In August 2013, Trump met with illegal immigration activists who he claimed "convinced him" to make it easier for illegal immigrants to stay in the USA.
In a Fox interview, Trump appeared highly sympathetic toward immigrants.
In 1999, Trump claimed he "really" believed "the Republicans are just too crazy right" in an NBC "Meet the Press" interview.
Trump added that his liberal New York origins had shaped his political values.
Donald Trump has no fixed views. He will apparently support any policy that will get him elected.

Donald Trump pretends to be anti-establishment.
But, he never makes any serious attack on the Powers-That-Be.
Trump's Art - Posing as Reformer Without attacking Power

Rupert Murdoch is backing Donald Trump.
Murdoch's New York Post endorses Trump / The Case for Donald Trump - New York Times.
Rupert Murdoch represents the rich elite, and not the White working class.

Ohio 1930s.
Most of the White working class in America supported the Democrats between 1932 and 1964.
The Democrats were the party that brought in the New Deal in 1933.
In the years 1933 to 1941 the economy expanded at an average rate of 7.7% per year.
What happened in 1964?

In 1964 the Democrats brought in the The Civil Rights Act.
Going rogue.

Above we see Ishi, a Native American, who was displayed in a human zoo.

Above, we see Philip Emeagwali, a Nigerian who has an IQ of 190.

The Scots have invented large numbers of things.
However, in Scotland, people from the White Scottish group are the least likely to have degrees (17%).
In Scotland, the group with the highest proportion of people educated to degree level is the African group (47%)
Trump belongs to the 'typical politician' faction.

On 5 June 2016, Donald Trump said that he backed 'surgical' strikes to take out Gaddafi.
This makes it clear yet again that Trump is an interventionist.
Another flip-flop: Trump now admits he supported Libya step-in
This makes it clear yet again that Trump is an interventionist.
Another flip-flop: Trump now admits he supported Libya step-in
Trump belongs to the New World Order faction.

11 Sept. 2002: Howard Stern asked Trump if he supported invading Iraq.
Trump answered: "Yeah, I guess so."
Trump belongs to the 'pro-war' faction.
CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton / Trey Gowdy Admits Faking Clinton Emails To Make Her Look Guilty.
CIA: Trey Gowdy Altered Documents To Frame Hillary Clinton / Trey Gowdy Admits Faking Clinton Emails To Make Her Look Guilty.
"Trump's run for the White House laid bare ... the extent to which misogyny, xenophobia, and full blown racism still remain deeply entrenched within American culture."
Donald Brings Show Biz to Politics: Will America Survive a Trump Administration?
Trump belongs to the 'racist' faction.

"If Trump wins the general election ... it will be because there is something Americans love more than competent leadership, more than safety and security, more than even making a buck - and that's entertainment."
Donald Brings Show Biz to Politics: Will America Survive a Trump Administration?
H. L. Mencken observed that:
"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.
"On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
"Trump's run for the White House laid bare ... the extent to which misogyny, xenophobia, and full blown racism still remain deeply entrenched within American culture."
Donald Brings Show Biz to Politics: Will America Survive a Trump Administration?
Trump belongs to the 'racist' faction.

"If Trump wins the general election ... it will be because there is something Americans love more than competent leadership, more than safety and security, more than even making a buck - and that's entertainment."
Donald Brings Show Biz to Politics: Will America Survive a Trump Administration?
H. L. Mencken observed that:
"As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.
"On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron."
Trump belongs to the JOKER faction.

There are said to be three factions within the US elite:
Think of - Zionists, Kosher Nostra, Greater Israel project, Mossad, Rothschild, Churchill, Epstein, Roy Cohn, Maxwell.
In the early 1930s, the Zionists supported Hitler. (The Zionists in bed with the Nazis)
In 1932, Churchill considered forming an alliance with Hitler.
Conservative faction
Think of - Racist, Nazi, homophobic homosexual, Nixon, Bush, Much of the Pentagon, Opus Dei, child abuse rings, death squads.
In 1932, Churchill considered forming an alliance with Hitler.
Conservative faction
Think of - Racist, Nazi, homophobic homosexual, Nixon, Bush, Much of the Pentagon, Opus Dei, child abuse rings, death squads.
In the 1930s, the Conservative faction backed Hitler.
Liberal faction
Liberal faction

All three factions are linked to mind-control, child abuse rings and false flag terrorism.
Often the majority of the top people within all three factions are able to agree on who will become president.

Clinton, Cruz and Trump are all pro-Zionist.
Sanders has criticised Israel, and appears not to belong to any of the above factions.
Clinton belongs to the Liberal faction, although she was clearly in the Conservative faction in earlier years.
Hillary Clinton Is A "Proud Goldwater Girl".
Cruz is in the Conservative faction, although he is hated by the top Conservatives.
Trump is pretending to be in the Conservative faction, but is actually in the Liberal faction.
Trump is hated by most of the top Conservative leaders, because he is seen as being a fake.

As late as September 2015, Donald Trump supported universal healthcare in an interview on CBS News.
In 1999, Trump identified himself, on the subject of abortion, as being "very pro-choice."
In 1999, Trump offered proposals to dramatically raise taxes on the rich.

In August 2013, Trump met with illegal immigration activists who he claimed "convinced him" to make it easier for illegal immigrants to stay in the USA.
In a Fox interview, Trump appeared highly sympathetic toward immigrants.
In 1999, Trump claimed he "really" believed "the Republicans are just too crazy right" in an NBC "Meet the Press" interview.
Trump added that his liberal New York origins had shaped his political values.
Donald Trump has no fixed views. He will apparently support any policy that will get him elected.

Donald Trump pretends to be anti-establishment.
But, he never makes any serious attack on the Powers-That-Be.
Trump's Art - Posing as Reformer Without attacking Power

Above, we see Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump, at Billy Graham's birthday celebration.
Trump delivered this tribute: "My father loved Billy Graham. I grew up with Billy Graham in my living room."
Billy Graham has been linked to the CIA and to child abuse rings.
Trump said that his father used to buy Israel bonds.

Trump quoted crime statistics from the Crime Statistics Bureau of San Francisco.
The Crime Statistics Bureau of San Francisco does not exist.
The data is utterly false.
How politicians poisoned statistics - Financial Times-14 Apr 2016
The FBI's crime statistics suggest that more than 80 per cent of white murder victims were killed by other white people.

SPOT THE LIE IN THIS TWEET. The Crime Statistics Bureau in San Francisco does not exist. themindlessphilosopher.wordpress.com.
Donald Trump a Democratic secret agent - BBC News.
Trump delivered this tribute: "My father loved Billy Graham. I grew up with Billy Graham in my living room."
Billy Graham has been linked to the CIA and to child abuse rings.
Fiona Barnett writes:
"I was trafficked to the USA, to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged and raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM - Richard Nixon's pal."
The Algemeiner's Jewish 100 list tells us who is most helpful to the Jews.
"I was trafficked to the USA, to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged and raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM - Richard Nixon's pal."
The Algemeiner's Jewish 100 list tells us who is most helpful to the Jews.
The list includes Rupert Murdoch and Ivanka Trump.

Donald Trump's chief lawyer is Jason D. Greenblatt.
Jason Greenblat, a Jew, and David M. Friedmanis, a Jew, are the two people Trump says he will appoint as his White House Israel policy advisers.
In meeting with Orthodox, Trump reveals Israel advisers
Greenblatt says: "The settlements should stay."

Donald Trump's chief lawyer is Jason D. Greenblatt.
Jason Greenblat, a Jew, and David M. Friedmanis, a Jew, are the two people Trump says he will appoint as his White House Israel policy advisers.
In meeting with Orthodox, Trump reveals Israel advisers
Greenblatt says: "The settlements should stay."
Trump said that his father used to buy Israel bonds.
Trump quoted crime statistics from the Crime Statistics Bureau of San Francisco.
The Crime Statistics Bureau of San Francisco does not exist.
The data is utterly false.
How politicians poisoned statistics - Financial Times-14 Apr 2016

SPOT THE LIE IN THIS TWEET. The Crime Statistics Bureau in San Francisco does not exist. themindlessphilosopher.wordpress.com.
"Trump's going Full Machiavelli à la Strauss.
(Leo Strauss believed that the elite should use deception, religious fervour and perpetual war to control the ignorant masses.)
"Trump's playing the American people like a fiddle.
"He's ... putting on a show and exploiting deep-seated frustrations.
Jonathan Bronitsky - dailycaller
"Trump's playing the American people like a fiddle.
"He's ... putting on a show and exploiting deep-seated frustrations.
Jonathan Bronitsky - dailycaller
Trump wants Hillary to be president.

Rupert Murdoch is backing Donald Trump.
Murdoch's New York Post endorses Trump / The Case for Donald Trump - New York Times.
Rupert Murdoch represents the rich elite, and not the White working class.

Ohio 1930s.
Most of the White working class in America supported the Democrats between 1932 and 1964.
The Democrats were the party that brought in the New Deal in 1933.
In the years 1933 to 1941 the economy expanded at an average rate of 7.7% per year.
What happened in 1964?

In 1964 the Democrats brought in the The Civil Rights Act.
This ended racial segregation in such places as schools, theatres, restaurants and the workplace.
"In parts of the South, the infrastructure is ... crumbling.
The Civil Rights Act led most of the White working class in the Southern states, and many of the White working class in the Northern states, to switch to the Republicans.
Nixon, a Republican, became president in 1968.
The Republicans face a historic rupture
The racist Nixon supporters have become the Donald Trump supporters.
Nixon and Rebozo
Nixon hid the fact that he was gay.
What matters for many Republicans is that their candidate supports God and Guns and opposes Gays.
Any mad Republican can be elected if he says he supports the Old Testament and supports six year olds carrying concealed weapons.
The Republicans face a historic rupture
The racist Nixon supporters have become the Donald Trump supporters.

Nixon hid the fact that he was gay.
What matters for many Republicans is that their candidate supports God and Guns and opposes Gays.
Any mad Republican can be elected if he says he supports the Old Testament and supports six year olds carrying concealed weapons.
"Yet the region's politicians are concentrating on problems that, to put it mildly, are often less than pressing."

Rupert Murdoch will not be supporting Bernie Sanders.
Ota Benga in 1904.
Many working class White Republicans in the USA are racist - and they will vote for any gangster who supports their racism.
In 1906, Madison Grant, a eugenicist and head of the New York Zoological Society, put Ota Benga on display at the Bronx Zoo in New York City.
Benga was displayed in a cage with the chimpanzees.
When Benga was out of the cage, he was often followed by a crowd "howling, jeering and yelling."[14]
Many working class White Republicans in the USA are racist - and they will vote for any gangster who supports their racism.
In 1906, Madison Grant, a eugenicist and head of the New York Zoological Society, put Ota Benga on display at the Bronx Zoo in New York City.
Benga was displayed in a cage with the chimpanzees.
When Benga was out of the cage, he was often followed by a crowd "howling, jeering and yelling."[14]

Above we see Ishi, a Native American, who was displayed in a human zoo.

Above, we see Philip Emeagwali, a Nigerian who has an IQ of 190.

Dr. Philip Emeagwali: Inventor of the World's Fastest Computer.
Emeagwali studied for a Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan from 1987 through 1991.
His thesis was not accepted.
Emeagwali filed a court challenge, stating that the university had discriminated against him because of his race.

Dr Philip Emeagwali received the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize for an application of the CM-2 massively-parallel computer.
The application used computational fluid dynamics for oil-reservoir modelling.
His method involved each microprocessor communicating with six neighbours.[5]
Emeagwali's simulation was the first program to apply a pseudo-time approach to reservoir modeling.[1]

Emeagwali's simulation was the first program to apply a pseudo-time approach to reservoir modeling.[1]

When it comes to global school rankings (Pisa test scores) Asian countries dominate the top of the rankings, with socialist Singapore heading the table.
The United States comes in at number 28.

However, in Scotland, people from the White Scottish group are the least likely to have degrees (17%).
In Scotland, the group with the highest proportion of people educated to degree level is the African group (47%)
The next highest is the Bangladeshi group (45%) followed by the Indian group (42%).

Some Black inventors:
George Alcor, Benjamin Banneker, Dr. Patricia Bath, Otis Boykin, Marie Van Brittan Brown, George Washington Carver, George Crum, Dr. Mark Dean, Dr. Charles Drew, Kenneth J. Dunkley, Dr. Philip Emeagwali, Dr. Betty Harris, Dr. Shirley Jackson, Lonnie G. Johnson, Frederick McKinley Jones, Garrett Morgan, Valerie Thomas, John Henry Thompson, James E. West

Conservatives have lower IQ's than non-conservatives.

Some Black inventors:
George Alcor, Benjamin Banneker, Dr. Patricia Bath, Otis Boykin, Marie Van Brittan Brown, George Washington Carver, George Crum, Dr. Mark Dean, Dr. Charles Drew, Kenneth J. Dunkley, Dr. Philip Emeagwali, Dr. Betty Harris, Dr. Shirley Jackson, Lonnie G. Johnson, Frederick McKinley Jones, Garrett Morgan, Valerie Thomas, John Henry Thompson, James E. West

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