Shmuley Boteach - Right-Wing Reality Show Rabbi and friend of trump
"A new report confirms that five television networks cut a deal with Donald Trump that has effectively ... turned the networks into Trump propaganda arms.
"According to a report by Buzzfeed, five television networks allowed Trump to take control of their coverage of his campaign."
Global Research has not done its research.

Both Trump and Netanyahu have been described as being racists.
"According to a report by Buzzfeed, five television networks allowed Trump to take control of their coverage of his campaign."
Pro-Trump Media Bias.

Ruling Elite Grows Desperate to Destroy Trump's Presidential Bid.

"A Media Matters report showed ABC World News Tonight dedicated 81 minutes to Trump and just one minute to Sanders over the past year."
US media's pro-Trump bias.

Global Research's Joachim Hagopian writes:
"The globalists dread Trump as president.
"Like every human, Trump possesses his share of petty flaws..."

Global Research's Joachim Hagopian writes:
"The globalists dread Trump as president.
"Like every human, Trump possesses his share of petty flaws..."
Ruling Elite Grows Desperate to Destroy Trump's Presidential Bid.
Global Research has not done its research.

Both Trump and Netanyahu have been described as being racists.
What is going on?
It looks as if Netanyahu wants Trump to win.
Has Netanyahu just come out in support of Donald Trump?

Murdoch is supporting Trump.
The Clintons have a tradition of animosity toward Netanyahu.
Hillary supports the Iran deal; when Hillary was secretary of state, "she managed the contacts with Netanyahu and was party to the demand to freeze Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank."
It appears that the Likud Faction is currently supporting Trump.

No mention of Trump?
Google provides one clue.
It has been reported that:
It looks as if Netanyahu wants Trump to win.
Has Netanyahu just come out in support of Donald Trump?

Murdoch is supporting Trump.
The Clintons have a tradition of animosity toward Netanyahu.
Hillary supports the Iran deal; when Hillary was secretary of state, "she managed the contacts with Netanyahu and was party to the demand to freeze Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank."
It appears that the Likud Faction is currently supporting Trump.

No mention of Trump?
Google provides one clue.
It has been reported that:
Google is pals with David Cameron
And thus Google tends to promote the pro-Cameron stuff and tends to hide the anti-Cameron stuff.
Google 'Conservatives are ...'

Trump Escorts.
You may have noticed that Google seems to hide stuff about certain right-wing people linked to child abuse.
You may have noticed that Google does not make it easy to find out whether or not certain top people are Jewish.
Google would appear to be promoting the pro-Trump stuff and hiding the most important anti-Trump stuff.

Thus it would appear that Google is pals with Trump.
With Google news, google 'Trump scandal' and you get Clinton scandal and Scandal might force Clinton out of race.
There is now a conspiracy theory that says that in order to get their friend Donald Trump elected, the Likud Faction arranged for the Democrats to field an unpopular candidate.
Google 'Conservatives are ...'

Trump Escorts.
You may have noticed that Google seems to hide stuff about certain right-wing people linked to child abuse.
You may have noticed that Google does not make it easy to find out whether or not certain top people are Jewish.
Google would appear to be promoting the pro-Trump stuff and hiding the most important anti-Trump stuff.

Thus it would appear that Google is pals with Trump.
With Google news, google 'Trump scandal' and you get Clinton scandal and Scandal might force Clinton out of race.
There is now a conspiracy theory that says that in order to get their friend Donald Trump elected, the Likud Faction arranged for the Democrats to field an unpopular candidate.
Trump took a strong pro-Israel stance, attacking the Palestinians and Iran.
Trump Wins Over AIPAC Audience With Strong pro-Israel Stance - Haaretz
Trump promised to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, 'the eternal capital of the Jewish people.'
Trump said the Palestinians must accept the closeness of the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Trump said 'The Palestinians must come to the table willing to accept that Israel is a Jewish state and it will exist forever as a Jewish state.'
Trump Wins Over AIPAC Audience With Strong pro-Israel Stance - Haaretz
Trump promised to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, 'the eternal capital of the Jewish people.'
Trump said the Palestinians must accept the closeness of the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Trump said 'The Palestinians must come to the table willing to accept that Israel is a Jewish state and it will exist forever as a Jewish state.'

In his speech to AIPAC, Trump placed the blame for the stalled peace talks on the Palestinians.
Trump also accused the Palestinians of incitement to terrorism.
Trump said that as president the U.S. he would veto any UN Security Council resolution forcing a deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
Trump said: "My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran."

Jeff Sessions has been accused of being friends with the KKK and some have suspected him of being gay. Jeff Sessions's chequered past
Trump said that as president the U.S. he would veto any UN Security Council resolution forcing a deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
Trump said: "My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran."

Jeff Sessions has been accused of being friends with the KKK and some have suspected him of being gay. Jeff Sessions's chequered past
Trump's foreign policy team is led by Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions.
In 2005, Sessions spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C. in favour of the War in Iraq.
Sessions voted YES on enlarging NATO to include Eastern Europe.
Trump's foreign policy team includes retired General J. Keith Kellogg, Walid Phares, George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and Joseph E. Schmitz.
Walid Phares has ties to the brutal Lebanese Militia.
Papadopoulos previously worked at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington that is often critical of Russia and its leadership.
Papadopoulos previously worked at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington that is often critical of Russia and its leadership.
Page was a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Donald Trump Says He'd 'Take Out' Terrorists' Families
Trump: I would 'bomb the hell' out of Iraqi oil fields

Likudnik Trump
PAMELA GELLER and David Horowitz are among the top Jews who are supporting Donald Trump.
Geller and Horowitz do not like Hillary Clinton because:
1. Hillary has a Moslem friend called Huma Abedin.
2. Hillary supports the Iran deal, with caveats.
3. Hillary is seen as being an appeaser of the Palestinians.
4. Bill Clinton "sold out the Jews to Yasir Arafat".

Trump has had a lot of help from the Jewish controlled media. In Google news, Google 'Trump sex scandals' and you will find lots about Bill Clinton.
Geller and Horowitz like Trump because:
1. Trump is "the only obstacle to the party of ... Huma Abedin."
2. Trump opposes the Iran deal.
Trump Will Support Israeli Strike on Iran.
3. Trump opposes "the Hamas terrorists of Gaza and the Fatah terrorists of the West Bank."

"Just like the Trojan Horse of old, the Trump Horse is in the city gates.
"The Likudniks that control the Trump Horse are stealthily waiting until the eagerly pissed off citizenry is fully invested in their plant."

B'Man writes about THE TRUMP KABUKI:
1. "I see Trump for what he is: a part player in the Jewish Kabuki Theater known as American Presidential elections..."

2. "Any time the Republican and Democratic Parties are involved, what you are witnessing is a massive entertainment live show...

3. "Trump is subservient to Jews...
"Trump is smart enough to see the populace get pissed.
"His Jewish advisors know this and instruct him to make various comments that appeal to the pissed off people
"Did you notice that his Jewish son-in-law is now a major advisor...
"People seem to easily forget the subservient wall humping he did at AIPAC...

4. "What really blows my mind is how many people are falling for the absolute rhetoric that Trump is a Populist.
"He has been bailed out of financial issues (by Jews) too many times for you to think he is anything like you...

5. "But you know what really sets me on fire over some Drumfters?
"That some of these people tout how the elections are rigged against Trump, yet all the way, he has gotten all the Jewish media coverage and has won most of the R elections.
"Even as many of you constantly rage about how the establishment is against Trump, he is winning...
"Look, people, Trump is the king of oneliners and sound bites.
"He is an obvious hack who lies with abandon about the most critical issue you face (but don’t think for a second anything will change, except that we will give more to Israel and the Jews than ever before...
"The Drumpfters are so deeply invested that they ignore the bullshit, or worse, too stupid to understand the bullshit."

B'Man quotes from: Trump's Bumper Sticker Speech"Look, people, Trump is the king of oneliners and sound bites.
"He is an obvious hack who lies with abandon about the most critical issue you face (but don’t think for a second anything will change, except that we will give more to Israel and the Jews than ever before...
"The Drumpfters are so deeply invested that they ignore the bullshit, or worse, too stupid to understand the bullshit."

"Trump described earlier Cold War years as a sort of golden age of American foreign policy...
"He called for beefing up the U.S. nuclear arsenal and more spending on U.S weapons...
"Trump declared that Iran has 'ignored' the terms of the recent nuclear agreement, a statement that bears no resemblance to the record...
"He called for beefing up the U.S. nuclear arsenal and more spending on U.S weapons...
"Trump declared that Iran has 'ignored' the terms of the recent nuclear agreement, a statement that bears no resemblance to the record...
"He labeled Israel as the 'one true democracy' in the Middle East, ignoring the lack of political rights of a substantial population under Israeli control and making it less of a democracy than, say, Tunisia."
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