Trump and Carter
Donald Trump - Rense.com
The article points out:
1. Donald Trump is no outsider.

2. Like all savvy money makers, "Donald makes sure he uses someone else's money."
Donald Trump Sued In New Lawsuit Over Failed Project (Baja)
People were "duped into buying hotel-condominium units that were never built."
More join lawsuit against Donald Trump over failed Tampa tower
People "were duped into investing millions of dollars in the failed Trump Tower Tampa Project."
Deutsche Bank filed a $40 million lawsuit against Trump.
More Lawsuits Filed Over Trump Tower Chicago
Donald Trump's Scam School Gets Sued
Donald Trump's Casino Company Files Third Bankruptcy
Trump Loses Latest Round in Feud With NY Firm

3. Trump is 'just another liberal'
Donald Trump's Donations to Democrats
"Why wouldn't Trump support pro sexual deviant career politicians since he has supported sexual deviants in the past?"
Donald Trump's Big Gay Problem
"Trump told The Advocate he supported 'a very strong domestic-partnership law' giving gay couples the same legal protections provided to heterosexual married couples.
Trump said: 'I think it's important for gay couples who are committed to each other to not be hassled when it comes to inheritance, insurance benefits, and other simple everyday rights.'

4. "The shadow government (wants) a viable replacement.
"Trump has been injected into the game...
"He's now some sort of expert on government boosting his credibility with desperate Americans seeking another savior.
"They had better take off the blinders...
"The decisions are made behind closed doors with the American people being sold another illusion...
"Why Donald Trump and why now?"
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