What is interesting is that much of the pro-Israel mainstream media appears to be defending Donald Trump.
Rupert Murdoch is backing Trump.
Rupert Murdoch's endorsement of Donald Trump.
Trump is being backed by Wayne Madsen, Mike Rivero and Alex Jones.
January 2016 - WMR endorses Trump for GOP.
Henry Makow, on the other hand, has revealed that Donald Drumpf is an Illuminati Jew.
Henry Makow does his research and is well informed.
Some of the big name American 'alternative' bloggers appear to promote all the psy-ops.
Mike Rivero saw the Arab Spring as being an example of People Power, rather than as being an example of CIA-Mossad destabilisation.
Trump's ex-wife, Ivana, has described being raped by Donald Trump.
Trump has made statements about wanting to date his daughter, Ivanka, and about the biggest thing the two of them have in common being sex.
(Rape Lawsuit Filed Against Donald ... - bipartisanreport.com)
Trump pondered his infant daughter, Tiffany's, breasts in an interview.
Trump is named in a $125 million dollar sexual harassment lawsuit by a woman who claims he groped her, made sexual advances, and backed out of a business deal when she rejected him.
Trump supported Mike Tyson after he was convicted of rape and said that Tyson's victim was an opportunist.
($100 Million Dollar Rape Lawsuit Filed Against Donald ... - bipartisanreport.com)

Trump recruits models as young as 14.
Katie Johnson, woman who is now in her mid-30s, says that she was forced to have sex with Donald Trump and with a number of other men who were friends of Jeffrey Epstein.
Katie says that she was 'fully warned on more than one occasion by both' Trump and Epstein 'that were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse that she had suffered as a sex slave' that she 'and her family would be in mortal danger.'

Donald Trump - A NeoCon War Hawk.
Like most conmen politicians, Trump is all things to all men.

According to a lawsuit, Donald Trump raped 13-year-old 'sex slave' Katie Johnson at Jeffrey Epstein's 'sex parties' in 1994.
Katie Johnson, woman who is now in her mid-30s, says that she was forced to have sex with Donald Trump and with a number of other men who were friends of Jeffrey Epstein.
Katie says that she was 'fully warned on more than one occasion by both' Trump and Epstein 'that were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse that she had suffered as a sex slave' that she 'and her family would be in mortal danger.'
"Trump slapped Johnson in the face with his open hand and angrily stated that he would do whatever he wanted and that he was in charge," Katie Johnson's lawsuit states.
"After achieving sexual orgasm," the lawsuit states, "Trump put his clothes back on and when the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, sobbed about being afraid that Defendant Trump had impregnated her, Defendant Trump angrily threw $100 bills at her and screamed at her ‘to get a f***ing abortion’ with the money."
The Battlefield, April 29, 2016
As you would expect, Epstein's Little Black Book does not necessarily contain the real names of his child sex slaves.
The Little Black Book lists the names of Epstein's close friends, such as Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, David Koch, and Donald Trump.

"After achieving sexual orgasm," the lawsuit states, "Trump put his clothes back on and when the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, sobbed about being afraid that Defendant Trump had impregnated her, Defendant Trump angrily threw $100 bills at her and screamed at her ‘to get a f***ing abortion’ with the money."
The Battlefield, April 29, 2016
As you would expect, Epstein's Little Black Book does not necessarily contain the real names of his child sex slaves.
The Little Black Book lists the names of Epstein's close friends, such as Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, David Koch, and Donald Trump.
What is Trump really like?

Trump's Kissinger - Joseph Schmitz
Trump's foreign policy advisers are Neocon warhawks.
Trump tries to appeal to the non Neocons, but, Trump is a Neocon.
The Neocon's current policy is to get their assets to pretend to admit that Iraq was not a wild success.
But, secretly, the Neocons are going to continue to destabilise countries such as Iraq.
Trump's five-member foreign policy team is in bed with the military industrial complex.

1. Joseph Schmitz is a former inspector general with the US Defense Department, and, a former boss of security contractor Blackwater.
Blackwater killed civilians in Iraq.
Joe Schmitz led the effort to keep the blame for the Abu Ghraib abuses restricted to the lower levels.
Joseph Schmitz's father is John G. Schmitz.
Mary Kay LeTourneau hit the headlines when it was discovered that the father of her children was a thirteen year old boy.

2. Keith Kellogg is a former employee of CACI International.
CACI was sued by 256 Iraqis over its alleged involvement in torture, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

CIA asset.
3. George Papadopoulos is a fan of Israel and takes an interest in 'Israeli gas'.
(The man who led the CIA's coup in Greece in 1967 was a fascist called George Papadopoulos)

Sheldon Adelson supports Trump.
Trump attacks Iran for supporting Assad, and blames Iran rather than Saudi Arabia for the destruction in Yemen.
Trump's five-member foreign policy team is in bed with the military industrial complex.

Trump's Kissinger - Joseph Schmitz
The five are:
1. Joseph Schmitz is a former inspector general with the US Defense Department, and, a former boss of security contractor Blackwater.
Blackwater killed civilians in Iraq.
Joe Schmitz's brother John P. Schmitz was an Iran Contra player.
Joe Schmitz, a member of the Knights of Malta, 'was Haliburton's greatest enabler when the company was misplacing Iraq reconstruction money.'
Joe Schmitz led the effort to keep the blame for the Abu Ghraib abuses restricted to the lower levels.
"Joe Schmitz will be Trump's Kissinger ... Everything that Trump thinks he knows about the world situation, he gets from guys like Schmitz."
John G Schmitz kept a mistress and a second family, including an infant son with a mutilated penis.
Joseph Schmitz's sister is Mary Kay Fualaau (née Schmitz).
Joseph Schmitz's sister is Mary Kay Fualaau (née Schmitz).
Mary Kay LeTourneau hit the headlines when it was discovered that the father of her children was a thirteen year old boy.

2. Keith Kellogg is a former employee of CACI International.
CACI was sued by 256 Iraqis over its alleged involvement in torture, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

CIA asset.
3. George Papadopoulos is a fan of Israel and takes an interest in 'Israeli gas'.
(The man who led the CIA's coup in Greece in 1967 was a fascist called George Papadopoulos)

4. Dr. Walid Phares, a professor at the National Defense University in Washington DC. is a former adviser to a fascist Christian militia group responsible for a number of human rights violations during the Lebanese Civil War.
Phares has been linked to the Lebanese forces responsible for the massacre of hundreds of Palestinians in Lebanon's Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982.
Trump the ULTRA-neocon - Cannonfire.

5. Carter Page is a former fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

5. Carter Page is a former fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
"Trump may claim that he seeks to reign in US adventurism, but based on the records of his chosen advisers, a Trump presidency would likely mean business as usual."
Donald Trump - A NeoCon War Hawk.
Trump is pro-Likud.
Donald Trump - A NeoCon War Hawk.
Trump is pro-Likud.
"Trump's son-in-law runs the New York Observer, a rag generally considered pro-Likud and pro-neocon."
Trump "receives glowing press from Israel Hayom, Adelson's ultra-right-wing daily newspaper."
Sheldon Adelson supports Trump.
Trump attacks Iran for supporting Assad, and blames Iran rather than Saudi Arabia for the destruction in Yemen.

According to a lawsuit, Donald Trump raped 13-year-old 'sex slave' Katie Johnson at Jeffrey Epstein's 'sex parties' in 1994.
The legal papers were filed on 28 April 2016 at a court in southern California.
Katie says that Trump treated her as a 'sex slave' over a four-month period.
Katie Johnson says that Trump took her virginity.
Katie says that Trump threatened to harm her or her family if she didn't comply.

Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the 'Mossad agent' Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine reportedly supplied young girls to Trump's close friend Jeffrey Epstein.
Katie says that she and a third 'sex slave', also aged 13, gave Trump naked, sexually charged massages.
'The Plaintiff Katie Johnson, was enticed with promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of underage sex parties ... attended by Defendant, Donald J. Trump.'
The lawsuit states that a New York 'party planner', who spent ten years working for Epstein, is willing to give testimony in support of Katie Johnson.
The complaint identifies the woman only as Tiffany Doe, a 'trusted employee' of Epstein's, and claims that Doe can confirm all of Ms Johnson's allegations.

Jill Harth, who claimed that Trump tried to rape her.
According to the lawsuit:
Katie says that Trump treated her as a 'sex slave' over a four-month period.
Katie Johnson says that Trump took her virginity.
Katie says that Trump threatened to harm her or her family if she didn't comply.

Donald Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the 'Mossad agent' Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine reportedly supplied young girls to Trump's close friend Jeffrey Epstein.
Katie says that she and a third 'sex slave', also aged 13, gave Trump naked, sexually charged massages.
'The Plaintiff Katie Johnson, was enticed with promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of underage sex parties ... attended by Defendant, Donald J. Trump.'
The lawsuit states that a New York 'party planner', who spent ten years working for Epstein, is willing to give testimony in support of Katie Johnson.
The complaint identifies the woman only as Tiffany Doe, a 'trusted employee' of Epstein's, and claims that Doe can confirm all of Ms Johnson's allegations.

Jill Harth, who claimed that Trump tried to rape her.
According to the lawsuit:
'Scores of teenagers and pre-teen girls' were 'used as sex slaves by Trump'. according to the paperwork.
'Katie Johnson, was forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with her hand on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm,.'
Katie was forced to 'orally copulate' Trump.
'Katie Johnson, was forced to manually stimulate Defendant Trump with her hand on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm,.'
Katie was forced to 'orally copulate' Trump.
Katie was forced to perform 'an unnatural lesbian sex act' for Trump with a fellow minor aged 12.
Katie was tied to a bed by Trump and 'forcibly raped' by Trump.
Trump refused to wear a condom.
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