1. Is Free Trade good or bad?
It depends.
Free trade deals help some and hurt others.

2. The "best academic studies" estimate that, because Britain joined the EU, people in Britain have a roughly 10 per cent higher living standard than they would have had, if they had not joined.
But, the EU has changed since 1972.

3. Donald Trump told voters in Indiana that the US could not continue "to allow China to rape our country".
According to former UK cabinet minister John Redwood, Donald Trump is in favour of free trade.
Trump or Clinton? What would they mean for investors?.

4. Trump wants free trade agreements that allow US companies to take over the world.
Trump likes the fact that the United States records trade surpluses with, for example, Hong Kong, Netherlands and Australia.
Trump does not like the fact that the USA has a trade deficit with China.

5. A trade deficit can mean that a nation's wealthy citizens are so wealthy that they can afford to buy whatever good things that other nations have to offer.
Trump can buy whisky from the UK, perfumes from France, gems from India and toys from China.
The United States exports more than any country in the world, except China.
The USA's trade deficit is relatively small by world standards.

But, the EU has changed since 1972.

3. Donald Trump told voters in Indiana that the US could not continue "to allow China to rape our country".
According to former UK cabinet minister John Redwood, Donald Trump is in favour of free trade.
Trump or Clinton? What would they mean for investors?.

4. Trump wants free trade agreements that allow US companies to take over the world.
Trump likes the fact that the United States records trade surpluses with, for example, Hong Kong, Netherlands and Australia.
Trump does not like the fact that the USA has a trade deficit with China.

5. A trade deficit can mean that a nation's wealthy citizens are so wealthy that they can afford to buy whatever good things that other nations have to offer.
Trump can buy whisky from the UK, perfumes from France, gems from India and toys from China.
The United States exports more than any country in the world, except China.
The USA's trade deficit is relatively small by world standards.

6. What about the The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement, and the Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement?
These will help certain big US businesses. But, some people will get hurt.

7. Trump says he wants more jobs for Americans.

8. "Almost 90% of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by the introduction of robots and computers."
Almost Everything Trump Says
Is Trump going to ban robots and computers?

The state of Texas has the largest number of people living in districts that are severely distressed economically.
Wealth And Income Gap, By ZIP Code

One of Trump's homes.
"In the USA, the majority of those who receive some form of public assistance (medicaid or foodstamps) have jobs ... but they earn so little that they cannot make ends meet."
Web Site

Donald trump wants tax cuts that could reduce government revenues by $15 trillion over ten years.
With Trump as president, government debt could rise as high as 140% of GDP by 2026.
Donald ducks the big questions


Many jobs that have been lost "because of decreasing consumer demand in the U.S. and elsewhere, largely as a result of economic downturns like the 2008 crisis.
(The right wing elite have grabbed most of the money)
"That demand loss particularly impacted areas like cars, white goods, machine tools, and lots of other things that U.S. businesses and consumers alike tend to buy at home.
"Americans make 73% of what they buy here at home."
"That demand loss particularly impacted areas like cars, white goods, machine tools, and lots of other things that U.S. businesses and consumers alike tend to buy at home.
"Americans make 73% of what they buy here at home."

8. "Almost 90% of the decline in U.S. manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010 was caused by the introduction of robots and computers."
Almost Everything Trump Says
Is Trump going to ban robots and computers?

9. Donald Trump promises to force Apple Inc. to manufacture in the United States.
If Apple makes its stuff in the USA, then either it pays wages as low as those in China, or it finds it cannot compete with Samsung and other rivals.
If US firms are going to pay lower wages, that does not help the retail industry.
An Apple video iPod assembled in China sells for roughly $300 in the United States.
Very little of that $300 goes to the Chinese firms.
"The Chinese get only about six bucksworth of value from the item’s assembly and shipment. Meanwhile, the U.S.-based Apple and its affiliates get hundreds of dollars from an iPhone’s final U.S. sale (for things like design, marketing, and even some manufacturing)."
If Apple makes its stuff in the USA, then either it pays wages as low as those in China, or it finds it cannot compete with Samsung and other rivals.
If US firms are going to pay lower wages, that does not help the retail industry.
An Apple video iPod assembled in China sells for roughly $300 in the United States.
Very little of that $300 goes to the Chinese firms.
"The Chinese get only about six bucksworth of value from the item’s assembly and shipment. Meanwhile, the U.S.-based Apple and its affiliates get hundreds of dollars from an iPhone’s final U.S. sale (for things like design, marketing, and even some manufacturing)."
Almost Everything Trump Says

10. Modern manufactured goods, such as Boeing 787s, are usually made from components from different parts of the world.
Boeing's 787, has a fuselage made in Italy, engines made in the United Kingdom, passenger doors made in France, cargo doors made in Sweden, landing gear doors made in Canada and wing tips made in South Korea.
Trump could force Boeing to have all the parts made in the USA.

11. But such a policy of 'Protectionism' has its risks.
In 1930, the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act raised U.S. tariffs on imported goods to record levels.[2]

10. Modern manufactured goods, such as Boeing 787s, are usually made from components from different parts of the world.
Boeing's 787, has a fuselage made in Italy, engines made in the United Kingdom, passenger doors made in France, cargo doors made in Sweden, landing gear doors made in Canada and wing tips made in South Korea.
Trump could force Boeing to have all the parts made in the USA.

11. But such a policy of 'Protectionism' has its risks.
In 1930, the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act raised U.S. tariffs on imported goods to record levels.[2]
Most economists see the Act, and the retaliatory tariffs by America's trading partners, as responsible for reducing American exports and imports by more than half.[4]
So, Trump has to be careful that he does not bring about a Great Depression.

12. Yes, too many jobs have been offshored, but Trump may not realise how complicated matters are.
There are good reasons why Coca Cola has bottling plants all around the world.
The main problem is that "We have socialism for the rich, crony capitalism, fascism, kleptocracy, oligarchy or banana republic style corruption." - Washington's Blog

13. Trump should advocate raising taxes on the rich, cutting military expenditure and investing heavily in infrastructure.

Ivanka Trump
14. The US election will probably be decided on the issue of the economy.
"The US economy died ... when the financial system was deregulated."
The Us Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover - Paul Craig Roberts

15. Bernie Sanders believes that free trade agreements like NAFTA, Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, and the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement have allowed too many American jobs to move overseas.
"We don't have free market capitalism anymore in the U.S. (and the big banks are largely responsible).
"Instead, we have socialism for the rich, crony capitalism, fascism, kleptocracy, oligarchy or banana republic style corruption."
Washington's Blog

So, Trump has to be careful that he does not bring about a Great Depression.

12. Yes, too many jobs have been offshored, but Trump may not realise how complicated matters are.
There are good reasons why Coca Cola has bottling plants all around the world.
The main problem is that "We have socialism for the rich, crony capitalism, fascism, kleptocracy, oligarchy or banana republic style corruption." - Washington's Blog

13. Trump should advocate raising taxes on the rich, cutting military expenditure and investing heavily in infrastructure.

Ivanka Trump
14. The US election will probably be decided on the issue of the economy.
"The US economy died ... when the financial system was deregulated."
The Us Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover - Paul Craig Roberts

15. Bernie Sanders believes that free trade agreements like NAFTA, Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, and the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement have allowed too many American jobs to move overseas.
Bernie Sanders.
170 top economists have endorsed Bernie Sanders' platform regarding Wall Street, signing a letter stating:
"The Senator is correct that the biggest banks must be broken up and that a new 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, separating investment from commercial banking, must be enacted."
Economists Say.

170 top economists have endorsed Bernie Sanders' platform regarding Wall Street, signing a letter stating:
"The Senator is correct that the biggest banks must be broken up and that a new 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, separating investment from commercial banking, must be enacted."
Economists Say.

Trump inherited a fortune. He would have made more money if he had invested it with businesses other than his own.
"We don't have free market capitalism anymore in the U.S. (and the big banks are largely responsible).
"Instead, we have socialism for the rich, crony capitalism, fascism, kleptocracy, oligarchy or banana republic style corruption."
Washington's Blog

Ivanka Trump
16. "Thomas Piketty, perhaps the most influential economic thinker of the left in the Western world, is impressed by the rise of Sen. Bernie Sanders...
"Piketty ... sees Sanders ....leading the United States toward a possible return to the nation's pioneering 20th century experiments with extremely progressive taxation and social spending...
"Piketty points to the fact that, prior to Reagan, 20th century fiscal policy in the U.S. was aggressive in taxing the wealthy - much more so than the European counterparts...
"From 1930 to 1980 ... the rate for the highest U.S. income (over $1 million per year) was on average 82%...
"Those rates ... played a tremendous role in creating social equality and helped provide crucial government revenue for robust social programs..."
World's Most Famous Economist.

"Reagan ... lowered the rate for the highest incomes to 28%...
"'Sanders' success today shows that much of America is tired of rising inequality and these so-called political changes, and intends to revive both a progressive agenda and the American tradition of egalitarianism,' Piketty wrote.
World's Most Famous Economist.

"Piketty ... sees Sanders ....leading the United States toward a possible return to the nation's pioneering 20th century experiments with extremely progressive taxation and social spending...
"Piketty points to the fact that, prior to Reagan, 20th century fiscal policy in the U.S. was aggressive in taxing the wealthy - much more so than the European counterparts...
"From 1930 to 1980 ... the rate for the highest U.S. income (over $1 million per year) was on average 82%...
"Those rates ... played a tremendous role in creating social equality and helped provide crucial government revenue for robust social programs..."
World's Most Famous Economist.

"Reagan ... lowered the rate for the highest incomes to 28%...
"'Sanders' success today shows that much of America is tired of rising inequality and these so-called political changes, and intends to revive both a progressive agenda and the American tradition of egalitarianism,' Piketty wrote.
World's Most Famous Economist.

17. Donald Trump does not want to ban credit default swaps or collateralized debt obligations.
Trump has said that the federal minimum wage should not be increased because wages are already too high.
Trump wants to abolish the estate tax (FDR’s oligarch tax).
Trump wants the top rate on income to fall from about 40% to 25%, 'meaning a tax bonanza for the rich and super-rich'.
Those in the top 0.1% would see their taxes reduced by an average of $1.3 million, or 19% of their after-tax-income.
Trump’s program would increase the federal deficit by just under $10 trillion in the first decade, and then by $15 trillion in the second decade.
Trump's Art - Posing as Reformer Without attacking Power
Trump has said that the federal minimum wage should not be increased because wages are already too high.
Trump wants to abolish the estate tax (FDR’s oligarch tax).
Trump wants the top rate on income to fall from about 40% to 25%, 'meaning a tax bonanza for the rich and super-rich'.
Those in the top 0.1% would see their taxes reduced by an average of $1.3 million, or 19% of their after-tax-income.
Trump’s program would increase the federal deficit by just under $10 trillion in the first decade, and then by $15 trillion in the second decade.
Trump's Art - Posing as Reformer Without attacking Power

Barron Trump
Wealth And Income Gap, By ZIP Code

One of Trump's homes.
"In the USA, the majority of those who receive some form of public assistance (medicaid or foodstamps) have jobs ... but they earn so little that they cannot make ends meet."
Web Site

The USA today.
Donald Trump wants to keep wages down, while reducing taxes on the rich, and spending more on the military.
Trump has a home in in Manhattan "designed to evoke the Palace of Versailles ...
"It boasts a cavernous hall of mirrors, acres of marble set off by ‘24-carat gold and diamond accents’, and ceilings hand-painted with cherubs and scenes from Greek myths."

Jesus loves rich guys?
"Trump also owns Seven Springs, a huge mansion outside New York in the upmarket hamlet of Bedford, which boasts 60 rooms, two servants’ wings, 15 bedrooms, three swimming pools and 230 acres of land.
"There’s another mansion in rural Virginia, a huge house on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and a vast waterside pile at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida."
"It boasts a cavernous hall of mirrors, acres of marble set off by ‘24-carat gold and diamond accents’, and ceilings hand-painted with cherubs and scenes from Greek myths."

Jesus loves rich guys?
"Trump also owns Seven Springs, a huge mansion outside New York in the upmarket hamlet of Bedford, which boasts 60 rooms, two servants’ wings, 15 bedrooms, three swimming pools and 230 acres of land.
"There’s another mansion in rural Virginia, a huge house on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and a vast waterside pile at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida."

Mrs Trump
"Numerous reports released during the first two months of 2016 document the staggering dimensions of the social crisis facing working people in the United States.
"A majority of Americans have too little savings to pay for an emergency expense of $1,000. One in four US adults is burdened by debts caused by medical expenses.
"More than one million working people are being cut off food stamps.
"One million retirees face pension cuts dictated by the Obama administration."
Web Site

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are wealthy members of The Establishment.
Donald trump is "like every other corporate tyrant in that his solution to most things follows the logic of Stalin: no person, no problem. You're fired!
"Except as president he'd have other people-removing options, all of which he likes: torture, mass deportations, the banning of 23 percent of the Earth's population from entering the United States, etc.

Mrs Trump
"Numerous reports released during the first two months of 2016 document the staggering dimensions of the social crisis facing working people in the United States.
"A majority of Americans have too little savings to pay for an emergency expense of $1,000. One in four US adults is burdened by debts caused by medical expenses.
"More than one million working people are being cut off food stamps.
"One million retirees face pension cuts dictated by the Obama administration."
Web Site

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are wealthy members of The Establishment.
Donald trump is "like every other corporate tyrant in that his solution to most things follows the logic of Stalin: no person, no problem. You're fired!
"Except as president he'd have other people-removing options, all of which he likes: torture, mass deportations, the banning of 23 percent of the Earth's population from entering the United States, etc.
"Donald Trump is no ordinary con man. He's way above average."
With Trump as president, government debt could rise as high as 140% of GDP by 2026.
Donald ducks the big questions


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